//$$ class.txt list of classes List of classes in newmat04 =========================== BOOL Boolean class ControlWord int interpreted as sequence of bits LogAndSign return from determinant routine BaseMatrix base of all matrix classes | +-GeneralMatrix base of matrix classes accessible to a user | | | +-Matrix rectangular matrix | | | | | +-RowVector | | | | | +-ColumnVector | | | | | +-nricMatrix for connecting with "Numerical Recipes in C" | | | +-SymmetricMatrix | | | +-UpperTriangularMatrix | | | +-LowerTriangularMatrix | | | +-DiagonalMatrix | | | +-CroutMatrix Crout decomposition of a rectangular matrix | +-ReturnMatrix matrix to be returned from function | .|..............................Classes below here are not intended for | user access. | +-AddedMatrix class of A + B | | | +-MultipliedMatrix class of A * B | | | +-SolvedMatrix class of A.i() * B | | | +-SubtractedMatrix class of A - B | +-ShiftedMatrix class of A + f | | | +-ScaledMatrix class of A * f | +-NegatedMatrix class of -A | | | +-TransposedMatrix class of A.t() | | | +-InvertedMatrix class of A.i() | | | +-RowedMatrix class of A.CopyToRow() | | | +-ColedMatrix class of A.CopyToColumn() | | | +-DiagedMatrix class of A.CopyToDiagonal() | | | +-MatedMatrix class of A.CopytoMatrix(r,c) | | | +-GetSubMatrix class of A.SubMatrix(fr,lr,fc,lc) | +-ConstMatrix class of A.c() FloatingPointPrecision contains floating point precision constants SymmetricEigenAnalysis not used yet MatrixRowcol row and column classes for general matrix | +-MatrixRow | +-MatrixCol RectMatrixRowCol row and column classes for rectangular matrix | +-RectMatrixRow | +-RectMatrixCol | +-RectMatrixDiag ExeCounter counts number of entries to a piece of code MatrixType type of a matrix